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About MPP

What is MPP?

Morning Prophetic Prayer (MPP) is a 27-minute daily session of prophetic ministry and prayer led by Ronald Sawka, joined online by believers from Asia and many other nations. MPP is held every weekday morning at 6:18 AM Japan Standard Time (Ephesians 6:18). The broadcast includes live translations in English, Japanese, and Chinese.


Each session features a brief teaching of the Word of God, followed by our prophetic team prophesying. MPP began in 2012, but this April, after a four-month hiatus due to Ron's hospitalization, marked a new beginning with a slightly different focus. While hospitalized, the Lord made it very clear to Ron that now is the time of great harvest, especially in Japan. Therefore, MPP aims not only to touch people for God but also to raise and empower believers to powerfully advance the kingdom of God wherever they may be.

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